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  • Bamboo fiber bagasse biodegradable tableware
    • September 01, 2022

    Bamboo fiber + bagasse! Make perfect biodegradable tableware: low cost, high strength, hydrophobic and oil resistant, half degrades in 2 months Disposable tableware has brought convenience to people's life, especially with the development of the food delivery industry, the number of disposable tableware consumed by people has soared. Our country's online takeout platforms are dominated by certain ...

  • Do you know about bagasse?
    • September 01, 2022

    With the improvement of living standards, the quality of the environment has declined, and the white pollution has damaged the environment. We need to use healthier products to protect the environment. Bagasse is one substance that can be utilized. Do you know about bagasse? As we all know, sugarcane is one of the main raw materials for sugar production. But did you know that bagasse can be used t...

  • Want to try a new coffee experience? Let's take a look at our newly launched paper lid!
    • November 01, 2022

    Our new coffee cup lid is designed to give you the perfect coffee experience--with no compromises on quality or environmental impact. What is the difference from ordinary paper lid? 1. We make design and products attentively. We design small grooves on the lid, so that coffee can not remain on the surface of the cup lid. 2. Compared with the single -piece paper lid, our coffee lid has a stack...

  • Want to try a new coffee experience? Let's take a look at our newly launched paper lid!
    • November 23, 2022

    Our new coffee cup lid is designed to give you the perfect coffee experience--with no compromises on quality or environmental impact. What is the difference from ordinary paper lid? 1. We make design and products attentively. We design small grooves on the lid, so that coffee can not remain on the surface of the cup lid. 2. Compared with the single -piece paper lid, our coffee lid has a stack...

  • What is paper sleeve packaging?
    • November 06, 2023

    Packaging sleeves can be made from various materials, depending on the specific application and desired characteristics. Here are some common materials used to make packaging sleeves Paper or Cardstock Paper sleeves are frequently made from paper or cardstock materials. They can vary in thickness and weight, depending on the intended purpose. Paper sleeves are lightweight, eco-friendly, and easily...

  • Why is important to have your own gift packaging for brand building
    • June 06, 2024

    More and more companies realized the importance of eye-catching gift boxes for their business.Gift packaging is the first impression of the inside product and it plays a crucial role in brand building for several reasons: First Impressions: Gift packaging including paper gift box and paper bag is the first tangible interaction a recipient has with your brand...

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