printing & packaging solution provider

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  • What is packaging and its function?
    • July 23, 2021

    1. The concept of packaging   Packaging is the general term for protecting products in the logistics process, facilitating storage and transportation, and promoting sales. According to certain technical methods, containers, materials, and auxiliary materials are used to enclose items, and to be properly packaged and marked. In short, packaging is the general term for packaging and packag...

  • How do you transport blood safety
    • August 19, 2021

    How do you transport blood safety Blood is familiar and unfamiliar to ordinary people. Blood occupies 7% of the body's weight. Although the proportion is not large, it is indispensable. It is responsible for transporting nutrients and oxygen, maintaining vital signs and resisting the immune function of foreign bacteria. Blood contains plasma and blood cells. Blood cells include red blood cells, wh...

  • How Saving Cord Blood effects Our Life?
    • September 18, 2021

    How Saving Cord Blood effects Our Life? What is cord blood? Umbilical cord blood refers to the blood remaining in the umbilical cord and placental veins during birth. Cord blood is rich in stem cells. These early cells are very valuable because they have the ability to repair and regenerate many different types of cells in the human body. Why save cord blood stem cells? The umbilical cord is a ric...

  • How Saving Cord Blood effects Our Life?
    • September 18, 2021

    How Saving Cord Blood effects Our Life? What is cord blood? Umbilical cord blood refers to the blood remaining in the umbilical cord and placental veins during birth. Cord blood is rich in stem cells. These early cells are very valuable because they have the ability to repair and regenerate many different types of cells in the human body. Why save cord blood stem cells? The umbilical cord is a ric...

  • Analysis of the cause of the leaking board when the gift box is customized
    • November 25, 2021

      Nowadays, gift box packaging boxes are available in a variety of box types, such as lid and base boxes, folding paper gift  boxes, drawer paper boxes, etc. Some customers need inner boxes to design, and there are often cases of leaking gray boards, so many manufacturers and customers. It is a headache for this problem. The ash board means that the gray board inside the box leaks out. T...

  • Why is important to have your own gift packaging for brand building
    • June 06, 2024

    More and more companies realized the importance of eye-catching gift boxes for their business.Gift packaging is the first impression of the inside product and it plays a crucial role in brand building for several reasons: First Impressions: Gift packaging including paper gift box and paper bag is the first tangible interaction a recipient has with your brand...

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