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Which Surface Finishes Can Be Added On Packaging Design That Can Make It More Appealing


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Which Surface Finishes Can Be Added On Packaging Design That Can Make It More Appealing

  • Mar 31, 2019

To add a proper finish is like to have an inspired passage for your packaging.

We list some surface finishes that are commonly used in printing and packaging. By adding these finishes your packaging can stand out from normal.

  • Silver/Gold Foil

silver foiling gold foiling

Besides silver and gold, there are other colored foils for options. For Example, bronze foil and red foil.

bronze foiling red foiling

Embossing and debossing

embossing debossing

Spot Glossy UV and a combination of Spot glossy UV and Debossing

spot glossy UV debossing + spot glossy UV

Above are some of the most commonly used finishes we use in our current jobs.

If you are interested in knowing more and would like to get our opinions for your custom packaging projects, please feel free to leave us message. We will be happy to hear from you!

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